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The Hamilton Table Tennis stadium was opened in 1975 at a time when it was close to
celebrating its Ruby Jubilee (40 years). It was designed by architects Mercer and Rae and
associates to standards set by the association and built by Hawkins Construction Co on 2.5 acres
of Hamilton Domain Board land at the corner of Victoria and Edgecumbe street.

The lighting was of a high standard rarely seen in public buildings at that time, and the intensity
of 400 lux was achieved with 110 twin 65 watt tube fluorescent fittings. The uniform standard
would allow tables to be positioned anywhere in the stadium.

The stadium was built with an area of 9,400 sq. ft. to contain twelve 40-foot by 15-foot playing
areas and an amenities block of 2,400 sq. ft.

Early in its career, the association made a practice of accepting offers of staging international
contests. Probably the first match, was that of the world famed pair of Barna and Bellak. The
match was held in the Bledisloe Hall in 1938 with an admission charge of two shillings which
was a heavy charge when wages were about a shilling an hour. In the previous decade Hamilton
had hosted international matches with teams from Australia, England, Sweden, Hong Kong,
Japan and now Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovakian Table Tennis tour of New Zealand in 1974
included a match between Czechoslovakia and Hamilton at the YMCA stadium at 36 Pembroke
street on Friday 21st June at 8pm. Entry was 20 cents.

These tours maintained a wide public interest in the sport and fostered a greater participation
in the sport. For spectators, the tourist matches always provided “good value for money”
Throughout the years before the stadium was built, the Association was ably represented by
junior and senior players. Each season there were some noteworthy achievements of a
Hamilton player on the national scene. Names immediately come to mind are Richard Lee,
Gavin Shewan, John Dunn, Mrs Catherine Tadema, Mrs Merle Rolston, Bain Attwood, Maurice
Eng and Ian Crookenden. Hamilton’s central situation enabled players to readily compete in a
large number of tournaments and the mixture of urban and rural areas provided for a wellbalanced administration.
The construction of the stadium was made possible by the financial support of many firms and
persons. Scheduled here are the firms which materially assisted the project. The association
acknowledged its gratitude to these firms in a special booklet published to celebrate the
opening of the stadium.

Of the total cost of $110,000, players contributed $66,000, business firms $25,000 and other
subsidies and grants total $20,000.

Adlite Signs Ltd Hamilton Car painters
Allens Precast Conrete Ltd Independent Broadcasting Company
ANZ Bank Ltd Julian Tordoff Ltd
Auto Brakes Ltd London Beauty Salon
Beggs-Wisemans Ltd Liteweight Caravans Ltd
Braemore Jersey Stud Kevin McCarthy Menswear
Brennan Panel Works Marac Finance Ltd
E.G. Buchanan Monteith and Parker Ltd
J. Hilary Carter Naylor Street Auto services
Chartwell Central Heating Ltd N. Nobilo and Sons Ltd
Christies N.Z Motor Corporation
Clare Electrical Services Frank Paviour Ltd
Colemans Suzuki Centre (Waikato) Ltd Percy’s Lubrication Centre
Claudelands Hire Service Ltd Phillipps and Impey Ltd
Cochranes Sport Centre Plastic Products Moulding Company
Commercial Union Assurance Company of NZ Ltd Rolls Industries Ltd
Ellis and Burnand Ltd Tanner and Horrocks Ltd
Farmers Trading Col Hamilton Ltd Thomson and Ward Ltd
Firth Industries Ltd Turners and Fows Ltd
General Foods Corporation NZ Ltd Wakato Barfix Ltd
Goldex Paints Ltd Waikato Breweries Ltd
Hadley and de Luen Ltd John Walker Printers Ltd

Thanks to Colin Dent for providing this information


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