About Us
How we organise things
We have a purpose built Stadium that has 12 full size tables. It is only open at certain times when we have a volunteer member running the event. A number of events are open to all, but others require a paid membership. Some events are for junior members only, and these are the coaching sessions we run, whilst other events are open to juniors and adults, members and casuals. Some events run throughout the year, and some are school term time only.
Our full programme of events is here: https://wktta.helloclub.com/public/calendar/month/all
Junior Coaching
For those starting out, we recommend joining the TT Kidz programme initially. This runs on a Saturday morning from 10am to 11am and gives basic skill training over an 8 week period. Following that, we run a Monday coaching session (Bronze squad) in term time (junior paid members only) to continue with the skills learned.
Advanced Coaching
We run a term time evening session over the full 10 weeks. Paid members only.
Private Coaching
Some of our coaching staff offer private 1 hour coaching sessions at times to suit. You will need to contact them directly for more information
Mark Page on 021 082 26207
Tom Liu on 021 160 5718
Jon Jon Zhao on 021 0806 6611
General Play
For members and casuals alike, the 4 sessions per week for general play is as below. In these sessions, play with other members in a social, friendly environment.
Tuesday & Friday day: 10.30am to 2.30pm
Wednesday evening: 7.00pm to 9.30pm
Saturday afternoons: 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Paid member only activities
Match play team competition on Tuesdays in term time for 8 weeks - round robin play. From 7.30 to 9.30pm
Other events
There are other private / closed events throughout the week.
Coaching Fees
For coaching events, there is a coaching fee charged. This is either a reduced fee for the whole term or a pay-as-you-go fee per week. You will need to have current club membership to take part in these sessions. Current prices are available via the programme of events link: http://wktta.helloclub.com/public/calendar/month/all
Membership Options
There are 2 options:
1. Join and pay for a membership
2. Join and take out a casual membership (no fee)
We have a member management system for members and casual members to register, book into events and pay on-line before attending. You will need to register via wktta.helloclub.com